Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Microsoft Outlook 2003 error 0x80004005-0x0004b9-0x000501 and 0x80070005

I have had at lot of "strange" errors lately when I try to send mails:
    Exchange user on 16/02/2006 21.19
          This message could not be sent. Try sending the message again later, or contact your network administrator.  Error is [0x80070005-00000000-00000000].

    Exchange user on 16/02/2006 12.28
          This message could not be sent. Try sending the message again later, or contact your network administrator. The client operation failed. Error is [0x80004005-0x0004b9-0x000501].

I work in offline cached mode so Outlook connects to Exchange via HTTPS to synchronize changes. The first mail I sent usually failed but the second mail worked some times. Other times I could try to send the same mail many times in a row without success. Some of the mails even arrived to some of the recipients,  which is just weird as they are on the same Exchange server as I am...

I found the cause of the problem earlier this week while synchronizing my office mail using my Pocket PC.. ActiveSync shows me a web page asking me if I want to change my password as it is about to expire. I changed my password and the errors went away.


  1. Sir/Madam,

    I want solution for above problem, pls help me as soon as possible.



  2. Did you try changing your password?

    It worked for me.

  3. One of the users here just encountered this problem. It only happened once, but the From field in the email was blank. His had been having other Outlook issues as well. I found that his Outlook mailbox was over 2GB and reccomended that he clean it up.

    Check your mailbox size to make sure it's less than 2GB.

  4. The client operation failed. Error is [0x80004005-0x0004b9-0x000501].

  5. non che sei non che sei lanjran. Creo que deberias tira-la toaall e estuudar ciencias politicas, meu

    Isto dos errores outlook non conduce a nada

  6. ai ho, xa sabemos que isto non leva a ningures, pero que lle imos facer, daljo hay que vivir...

  7. aha uhu i dupa srka tka taka sraka...

  8. Please advice if changing email password can resolve this issue....

  9. It always fixed the problem in the past for me.

    Hope it works for you as well.

  10. This might also indicate slow or unstable connections like VPN tunnels that are being used for the connection to exchange or some other SMTP service.

    Sometimes just resending and or sending it on a more stable connection might solve this error.

  11. Thanks for eveyones help here, I emptied the DELETED ITEMS folder first, some 1800 items and that didnt work. Next I went to TOOLS / EMAIL ACCOUNTS / VIEW OR CHANGE.... / CHANGE and re-entered the password and clicked NEXT.

    Bingo. My 7 mails went out and three came in.

    Thanks again.

  12. Check your time difference between your computer and the Exchange server - if they're off, it'll throw an error.

  13. thanks, it worked by changing the pwd

  14. Heard about not bad software which works with mails-open pst file,as how as remember utility is free,it works under Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista and all supported versions of Microsoft Outlook,will work fine for both experts and beginners, there are no any extra settings,program repairs more data, than other services, owing to its unique data recovery engine, developed by our engineers,can easily retrieve your mails, that could be lost without this program,will make a decision, which emails can be successfully retrieved from your mailbox,can preview analysis results during the next step, where you will be redirected after the analysis,retrieve all emails as a set of files in *.vcf, *.txt and *.eml format, that will be stored in any place you like,convert all documents to a file of PST format, this file can be opened offline by any email client.

  15. Had the same problem. Noticed that when replying and sending the reply, it

    went to the SENT ITEMS very quickly then disappeared from SENT ITEMS. Then,

    I tried again to send, clicked on the message in SENT ITEMS and noticed there

    was no FROM:

    My fix was to FORWARD the message to those I wanted to reply to and change

    the subject from 'FW:' to 'RE:' and it worked.

    I postulate that it was the original message in our Exchange server that was

    somehow corrupted in transport.

  16. Try the Weeom Outlook PST Repair Tool to recover severely corrupted PST files within a second. Try the free demo of this tool and recover corrupted PST files.
    read more: https://www.weeom.com/pst-to-office365.php

    1. Weeom Outlook PST Repair Tool is used to repair severely corrupted PST files.
