Thursday, September 29, 2005


Microsoft wants a faster JBoss on Windows Server

I do not know how much effort Microsoft will put into this; but I believe it is great news: Microsoft, JBoss Unveil Interoperability Pact 

On Tuesday, Microsoft and JBoss announced that they are looking at ways to enhance interoperability between the Windows Server and the JBoss Enterprise Middleware System (JEMS). Microsoft also said it plans to bolster support for JBoss in the Windows Server.

The companies’ technology engagement will include "technical assistance and guidance" designed to optimize the performance of JBoss on Microsoft's Active Directory integrated sign-on and federated identity capabilities and of JBoss' Hibernate object/relational mapping tool and Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 on Microsoft’s SQL Server, according to Microsoft. The two software vendors also aim to better collaborate on Web services connectivity using the WS* standards endorsed by Microsoft and to develop a JBoss Management Pack for the Microsoft Operations Manager management platform.

That Microsoft wants JBoss to run on Windows Server instead of on Linux should be no surprise to anyone. I am glad to see that they will "better collaborate on Web services connectivity using the WS*". SOAP and Web Services are built on standards but anyone who have tried to transfer complex objects/structures between different WS vendors/platform knows that it' is far from easy. I usually end up using the method from last millennium; return a basic string that contains XML. Not the fastest and most elegant method but it works with "everything".

Wouldn't it be great if you could pass objects and collections between Java and .NET?

Monday, September 26, 2005


Visual Studio 2005 Launch in Italy 10th of November

I have used the various betas on and off troughout the year so I am pretty exited about the Visual Studio 2005 launch. Microsoft Italy will have a free event November 10th in Milano:

The participants will receive a free copy of SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition as well as Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition which is great news for independent developers, students or small ISVs.

There are several tracks:

  • Designing and managing scalable databases with SQL Server 2005
  • Developing a complete solution with Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005
  • Realizing enterprise class applications with the Microsoft Application Platform.

I will follow the last architect track. See you there?

Thanks for the tip Luca.


Free Microsoft Italy event: Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Day

Microsoft Italy has free event tomorrow 27th September in Milano: Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Day. I have worked a lot with Office macros and OLE Automation in the past, but I do not use it enough at the moment to justify attending the full day event:

Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Day
Segrate (MI), 27 settembre
Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office è la nuova versione della tecnologia Microsoft per sviluppare applicazioni Smart Client con Microsoft Office 2003. Con questa nuova versione è possibile sviluppare applicazioni con caratteristiche e potenzialità senza precedenti in un ambito completamente managed e con il supporto completo del nuovo ambiente di sviluppo Visual Studio 2005.

Durante questo evento vedremo come sviluppare soluzioni per Word ed Excel, come aggiungere proprie funzionalità al Task Pane e come sviluppare Smart Tag per facilitare la scrittura di documenti. Daremo uno sguardo al nuovo supporto per la creazione di addin per Outlook, che ci permetterà di integrare il client di posta elettronica con soluzioni sviluppate interamente con .NET Framework e Visual Studio 2005 e infine scopriremo come sarà possibile scrivere codice managed per gestire i moduli di Infopath.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


The power of the Windows key

I live my life on the command line and love shortcuts that makes my life easier. Coding horror has the details on the various Windows key combinations that justifies its place on the keyboard.One example; hitting  sure beats the usual Ctr+Alt+Del and then hitting the space key (as "lock computer" is the default choice). I guess this is a hint that I should RTFM once in a while as windows has evolved since Windows 95.

P.S. Sorry for the not posting updates on my sites lately. One kid starting in kindergarten and another one in school takes precedence over all hobby projects like my blogs.