Friday, September 24, 2004


VB/OLE DATE conversion in .NET CF 1.0

For a  .NET CF 1.0 program I'm working I have to use a VB/OLE Automation DATE from C#. The .NET methods FromOADate and ToOADate are not available on .NET CF 1.0 so I ported the VB.NET implementation of FromOADate and ToOADate to C#



public static System.DateTime OleDateToDateTime(double date)


      const Int32 hex1 = 86400000;              //0x5265c00

      const Int64 hex2 = 59926435200000;        //0x3680b5e1fc00

      const Int64 hex3 = 315537897600000;       //0x11efae44cb400

      const Int32 hex4 = 10000;                       //0x2710

      const double real1 = 86400000;     

      const double real2 = 2958466;

      const double real3 = -657435;


      if (date >= real2 || date <= real3)


            throw new ArgumentException("Arg_OleAutDateInvalid");



      double toAdd = date >= 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5;


      long loc0 = (long) (date * real1 + toAdd);

      if (loc0 < 0)


            loc0 -= (2 * getReminder(loc0, hex1));


      loc0 += hex2;


      if (loc0 < 0 || loc0 >= hex3)


            throw new ArgumentException("Arg_OleAutDateScale");



      return new DateTime(loc0 * hex4);        



public static double DateTimeToOleDate(System.DateTime date)


      const Int32 hex1 = 86400000;              // '0x5265c00

      const Int64 hex2 = 599264352000000000;    // '0x85103c0cb83c000

      const Int64 hex3 = 31241376000000000;     // '0x6efdddaec64000

      const Int32 hex4 = 10000;                       // '0x2710

      const Int64 hex5 = 864000000000;          // '0xc92a69c000

      const double real1 = 86400000;     


      long ticks = date.Ticks;


      if (0 == ticks)


            return 0.0;



      if (ticks < hex5)


            ticks += hex2;



      if (ticks < hex3)            


            throw new ArgumentException("Arg_OleAutDateInvalid");



      long loc1;

      long loc0 = (long) ((ticks - hex2) / hex4);


      if (loc0 < 0)


            loc1 = getReminder(loc0, hex1);

            if (0 != loc1)


                  loc0 -= (hex1 + loc1) * (2);




      return ((double) loc0) / real1;




private static long getReminder(long value1, long value2)


      long res;

      res = value1 - value2 * (value1 / value2); 

      return res;      


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